Support for Start-ups and Start-up Consulting

Exhaustive start-up consulting from a single source. Concept development, business plan incl. financing and overall planning for young companies, the self-employed and start-ups with your start-up coach in Dresden.

Secure success for your start-up from day one with state-subsidized start-up consulting

A start-up coach offers counsel and support in any questions you may have regarding starting your own business and self-employment

Your start-up coach in Dresden offers exhaustive and entirely free start-up coaching or a state-subsidized start-up consulting program from a single source. This covers concept development, help creating a business plan and financing as well as overall planning for young companies, the self-employed and start-ups.

To get around the many stumbling blocks in the initial stages and help your business get off to a good start, you should always have a start-up coach at your side. It’s the only safe way to go. There are countless stumbling blocks and trap doors, even in the seemingly simple step of registering your business.


Together we will develop a viable concept and I will accompany you on each step of the way.


What a successful start-up needs

The first thing you need for a successful start-up or self-employment is a good idea. Not just any idea. It has to distinguish itself from all the rest with that special something that offers your customers added value. The product you offer, your company or service needs a unique selling point (USP). Your USP should be target-group-specific and profitable. But just figuring out what your USP is can be a great challenge. And once you have it, you need the finances to make your dream a reality.


Like with everything else, your start-up needs secure financing.

To secure enough seed capital, most start-ups need a business plan for banks and investors. After all, before you can get down to business you will need to finance office supplies, furniture and even a facility. You also need a certain amount of buffer for advertisement like your company website, ads, etc. And then there are the labor costs – and all this before you’ve made a single penny!
Your business plan must integrate your idea, your product and your customers needs as well as financing. It’s not an easy task – and that’s where I come in! Fortunately, start-ups both in Dresden and all of Saxony can make use of the Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control’s (BAFA) start-up coaching service or start-up consultancy from the Development Bank of Saxony (SAB). These are professional start-up coaching services, the costs of which the state carries completely (or at least up to 80%)! So as a start-up, there is nothing stopping you from drawing on the expertise of a business consultant for assistance in founding your new company.
Becoming self-employed takes much more: Third-party support, qualified staff, business experience, sound financial planning, a good nose for money, advertising, a marketing plan, an extensive communications concept, etc.
There are so many fatal mistakes to be made here, which you can read up on here on my blog to make sure you avoid them.
Avoiding mistakes, not forgetting essential steps and facing challenges with success, realistic goals and confidence – together with your start-up coach from Dresden, all this is possible!

Coaching services

My services include an individual initial conversation where we can discuss our mutual goals and work out a game plan. Your start-up coach will look closely at your personal situation with you before state-subsidized start-up coaching begins to tailor his services perfectly to suit your needs.

Your start-up coach in Dresden provides among others these services:

  • Fiscal planning: Revenue planning, financing requirements analysis, profitability forecast, etc.
  • Selection and application of subsidies and loans
  • Use of a Business Model Canvas to develop an innovative concept
  • Creation of a business plan secure for both banks and investors
  • State-funded start-up consulting
  • A promising marketing concept
  • And everything in the form of a viable business plan that will convince your bank

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I am sure we can find ways I can help your business!

As a freelancer or founder of your own company, you need to process mountains of info to make the right decisions. Graduate Economist & MBA Toni Großmann is happy to lend support.


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